Partnerships in RVPS
At RVPS, we endeavour to develop and promote strong school-home-community partnerships with our key stakeholders, namely; parents, School Advisory Committee members and community partners. Through identifying emerging trends and new demands of the external environment, we (school and partners) will be able to work hand in hand to put in place collaborative and mutually beneficial programmes that enrich our students’ learning.
To guide us in these efforts, RVPS has adopted the following Partnership Framework espoused by MOE.

Undergirding the partnership framework is a common shared goal to create an environment that best support our students’ learning and development, premised on Trust, Respect and Understanding.
Particularly with regards to relationships with parents, we desire for our colleagues to work hand in hand with our parents, to give our students the time and space to explore and learn, including from their mistakes, and grow. In so doing, our students will learn to take ownership of their learning, develop personalised self-management skills and also build resilience.
Cognisant that good rapport, mutual trust and understanding between the school and our partners are key ingredients that will help us improve and deepen the partnerships, and achieving sustainability, we actively engage our partners, and factored in their feedback in our decision making process to improve our systems and processes.